
December 2024

The start of December saw lots of Rainbow units in the area joining together for a fun afternoon of Winter Craft and Games. This fun event raised £469.78 for Heron’s Lodge.

Our fundraising events are very important to keep the centre running and invest in repairs and updates. During December the car park has been marked out professionally which will help to maximise the number of cars that can park, and improve the accessible parking provision.

November 2024

November saw our fabulous Christmas Fayre taking place again, with many lovely stalls, scrumptious food, live carols and a visit from Santa Claus. We made £1189.87 which will go towards the upkeep of our centre. See December for more details.

November also saw the first of two of our very popular Christmas Wreath Making evenings. A big thank you to Ruth Bowles who runs these sessions for us. Pictured is one of our supporters making their wreath.

August 2024

A sunny Saturday in August saw our second Street Food event featuring live music from Set Two (pictured) and Shadow Play.

Look out for details of our next event on the ‘Events’ page.

November/December 2023

November and December saw a number of fundraising events being held:

Our Christmas Fayre was a great success with a large variety of stalls, a brass band and food vans. A big thank you to everyone who helped on the day, and in the preparation before. A total of £1264.86 was raised

The local Rainbow groups came together for a fun afternoon of crafts and games, and of course, all went away with a lovely badge! A total of £421.41 was raised for Heron’s Lodge.

Our first ever wreath making events proved extremely popular. Look out for more events like this in the new year!

May 2023

What glorious weather we had for our May Fete!

Local Girlguiding volunteers worked together to make this annual event a roaring success. We also had many external stall holders, some first timers and some old friends.

We raised in a total a fantastic £2,203.39 which will enable us to carry out maintenance tasks and improve the facilities.

April 2023

We have new doors!

Our fantastic new front doors will ensure that the building remains fully accessible, and the glass inserts flood the foyer with daylight. We are excited to have these finally installed after months of fundraising.

Now that the first two cuts of the year have been done, the grounds are once again looking fantastic, ready for our May Fete on Saturday 20th May!

April 2023

A big thank you to volunteers Rebecca and Rory who dug out all the ash to return the camp fire circle to its former glory, making it much safer for the groups who will be using it this year.

We are lucky to see plenty of wildlife in our grounds, mallards, coots, moorhens and of course herons!